Gallup Consulting Interviews and Culture

With a name that evokes the Wild Wild West, Gallup Consulting just sounds like a fun place to work. However unrelated to horse racing or wrangling, Gallup is an impressive firm – based on strong analytical research and insight-gathering for…

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Advisory Board

Today we continue our firm profile series with an in-depth review of The Advisory Board Company, now referred to as Advisory Board after its acquisition by Optum. Advisory Board is a professional services firm that offers resources to players who…

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IBM Consulting

IBM GLOBAL BUSINESS SERVICES (GBS) The history of IBM GBS (also known as IBM Consulting) is one of our very favorite business stories of all time, and one that reminds us that even the most enormous, boring and troubled companies…

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NERA Economic Consulting

Interviewing with NERA Economic Consulting? Well, NERA is no MBB. In fact, if you look at a list of top 20 consulting firms, NERA won’t be on it. That being said, NERA is still a major player in the consulting…

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Strategy&: Firm Overview & Salary Data

So you have a Strategy& interview coming up, and you want to be the best candidate they see? We agree! We want you to nail it. Where prestige, pay, exit opportunities and culture are concerned, Strategy& is just a half-tier below…

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Comparing McKinsey, Bain, & BCG

There’s a reason why McKinsey, Bain, and BCG are the top dogs in the management consulting industry. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say that there are many reasons that make consultants at these 3 firms part of an elite club. History, prestige, and…

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We continue our monthly focus on profiles of key firms in the management consulting industry by shining a bright light on Mercer – one of the world’s top HR consulting firms. This will be fun – Mercer is a big…

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