Official site launch – thanks to Mergers and Inquisitions, and some useful consulting resources from around the web

Today marks the official launch of Management Consulted. I’ve been flying under the radar as I tried to establish some pillar content. Starting today, I’ll be making a public push to spread the word about this site. If you’re a new reader, you can do the following:

  • Subscribe to the RSS feed
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  • Spread the word to friends and colleagues
  • Participate. Comment on posts, email me with questions, insights, feedback, etc

I’d like to thank Mergers and Inquisitions for their kind word. Brian, the author of the site, is a good friend of mine and was the role model for the launch of MC. If you’re serious about finance (and broader recruiting issues), check out his site. I’ll be writing an in-depth post about the projects he’s working on in coming weeks, and hopefully we’ll have a few joint ventures in the works as well

This post will be short. I’m following it up with a post on “Getting a consulting job from a law background” so stay tuned.

There are many valuable consulting-related resources on the web. I want to point out a few:

  • From the Killer Consultant“You got the offer, now what?” – some great tips on how to assess the offer and manage the process
  • From the Corporate Whore – “Summer Intern Rules – Don’ts” – a few funny but informative tips for prospective (and current) summers
  • Razume – a new resume review service. Interesting concept but not sure how they incentivize reviewers. Thought I’d pass it along – if anyone tries the service (it’s free), let me know your experience!
  • From Steve Shu’s blog – “Client Facilitation Skills” – I’ve followed Steve’s blog for sometime now. He writes infrequently, but his posts are always insightful and provide more detail than any other blog I’ve seen on the consulting life

I’m starting a series of interviews with current and prior consultants. This will be great for readers because they’ll get an inside view of topics ranging from what it’s like to work in international offices to cultures of specific firms (eg, Bain, Oliver Wyman) to what ex-consultants are doing now

If any of my readers are interested in being interviewed for Management Consulted, please let me know!

Thanks for reading! For more background info and if you’re new to Management Consulted, here are some recommended posts: Management Consulting and the Consulting Industry 101; Investment Banking vs Management Consulting; Day in the life of a Management Consultant; Overview of the management consulting recruiting process

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Filed Under: business consulting