The ultimate consultant’s networking toolkit

Are you an experienced professional ready to springboard your career and looking to break into management consulting?

Are you a student at a non-target school, where very few to no consulting firms recruit?

Have you been working in a totally different field, but are now eager to break into management consulting?

Or are you in a target consulting zone (school and timing) with a desire to capitalize on your dream of becoming a consultant?

If you said yes to any of the above, the Networking Bible is for you.

Contact Us to Get Started!

What’s Inside?

With 10 years of experience – breaking into consulting, working inside the industry, and advising thousands of clients to successfully do the same – we draw on rich insights gained throughout the process.

Consulting, like most service-industry offerings, is ultimately a people business – and this is as premium as it gets. Firms diligently protect their brand, use their professional staff as a well-oiled recruiting team, and keep records of top target candidates (as well as the ones they don’t ever want to see again).

How do you stand out and build connections without being pushy or aggressive? We’ve broken it down to 10 key steps, and this book walks you through each one.

  1. Find your target – Identify your strengths and qualifications [Page 25]
  2. Shop around – Create a list of 20+ target firms [Page 30]
  3. Name names – Create a list of 60+ contacts [Page 35]
  4. Sell your brand – Develop your elevator pitch [Page 49]
  5. Get set – Prepare rock-star email templates, call scripts, and in-person questions [Page 52]
  6. Fire away – Start sending emails and making calls [Page 61]
  7. Put the pressure on – Follow-up the right way to make sure you get a response [Page 62]
  8. Play the game – Leverage your success to get an interview with your dream firm [Page 65]
  9. Up the ante – Take critical next steps if you still haven’t landed that interview [Page 67]
  10. The “Nuclear Option” – When all else fails, utilize brave and bold last-ditch efforts [Page 70]

Plus, the Networking Bible includes the industry’s most comprehensive directory – the MC Contacts Database with 110+ firms and 2500+ names and email addresses from the world’s best consulting firms.

The Consultant’s Networking Bible
88 pages of pure genius and insider insight to get responses and build relationships inside top firms, including:
  • 10 steps to build relationships
  • Detailed email/call templates
  • Contact database with 2500+ contacts
  • Details on 111 top firms

Private: Consulting Book Bundle
Save With Our Book Bundle! Includes all 6 MC books:
  • The Consulting Roadmap
  • The Consulting Resume and Cover Letter Bible
  • The Consultant’s Networking Bible
  • The Consulting Interview Bible
  • The MC Consulting Case Bank
  • 3 Month Mastery

Sample Pages


While the Networking Bible and Contacts Database are incredibly thorough, there’s still room for improvement. There could be 200 firms and 4000 emails for consultants at even more global locations. We could provide case studies from people who have successfully broken into management consulting using this exact tool.

If we never added 1 more contact to the database or 1 more word to the guide, this would still be the best guide on the market. However, we’re committed to your success, so we’ll be releasing updates to add more recruiter emails, more consulting firms, and success stories showcasing exactly how people got consulting jobs using this toolkit!

When you buy the Networking Bible, you’ll get all those updates for free – for life.