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Case Study Prompt

Your client, ABC company, has one main customer, XYZ. Revenues from XYZ have been declining. How should they grow revenues from XYZ?

Additional information about the client:

  • XYZ represents 30% of ABC’s revenues.
  • ABC has over 100 customers in total.

Case Study Overview

Your client’s biggest customer is facing declining revenues, and in this Kearney case study, it’s up to you to do a deep-dive into the profitability and find a solution for your client.

Want to prepare for a first round Kearney interview? We recommend that you blend frameworks (including the Profitability Framework) and your own business acumen to build a custom framework to solve this case.

There are no diagrams/math exhibits in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 1 out of 4, which makes this a beginner level case you would likely see in a Kearney first round.

Kearney Interview Tips

What does Kearney look for in its case interview candidates? A high degree of comfort with numbers and an ability to problem-solve like a boss.

Make sure your mental math is sharp, and you are comfortable with problem-solving.

For this case, make a point to come away with one takeaway or area you can improve.

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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