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Case Study Prompt

Your client is an aerosol can manufacturer.

They buy sheet steel, cut it into shape, paint it, weld it into a cylinder, apply a top and bottom and then sell it to their customers. They do not fill the can.

Over the last 5 years their sales have increased from $80M to $120M, but their profits have decreased from +10M to -40M.

They want to know what they should do.

Case Study Overview

Your client, an aerosol can manufacturer, is looking at a sharp decline in profits. In this Bain case, it’s up to you to dig into the issue to determine the cause of the profitability decline and recommend a solution.

Have a first round Bain interview you’re preparing for? You can use the Profitability Framework to solve this case study, but the best casers blend frameworks and their own business acuity to create a custom framework.

There are no math exhibits in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 1 out of 4, making this a mid-level case interview you would likely run into in a first round at Bain.

Bain Interview Tips

What does Bain look for in its candidates? Practicality.

A helpful way to build a structure is to imagine yourself as a Project Manager having to assign out work-streams to a team of analysts.

In this case, focus on finding 1 thing you can grow in.

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.


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