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Case Study Prompt

Your client is a major air freight shipper. They operate in the US and 60 other countries.

They have significant international share, but a much smaller share in the domestic market.

Recently some larger domestic competitors have entered the international market.

Our client has had only marginal profits and with the new entrants to the international market are concerned that they will not break even this year.

Case Study Overview

Your client is facing increasing competition that is threatening to steal market share from the company, and in this Bain case study, it’s your job to look at the data, crunch the numbers, and ultimately, come up with a solution for the client.

Are you preparing for a second round interview at Bain? While you can use the Market Study Framework to solve this case, the best candidates blend frameworks and their own business acumen to build a custom framework that best fits the case.

This case has several math exhibits, so make sure you are comfortable reading and interpreting graphs and charts. The qualitative difficulty is 2 out of 4, making this an intermediate to advanced level interview you can expect to see in a Bain final round.

Bain Interview Tips

Bain looks for practicality in its case interview candidates.

When building out your structure, make sure it is something that you, as a Manager, would be comfortable assigning out to a team of analysts.

In this case, focus on 2 things:

  1. Timing yourself throughout the case: 2min to build a structure, 2min to present it, 5min for math, 2min for brainstorming, and 2min for a conclusion
  2. Focus on your communication and out-loud structure as you run through the case

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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