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A major airline is considering acquiring an existing route from Tokyo to New York.

Our job is to help determine whether or not this is a good move.

Case Overview

Your client is a major airline looking at expanding into a new route. In this EY (Ernst & Young) Profitability Scenarios case study, it’s your responsibility to gather all the information needed to determine if it makes sense for the client to move forward with the expansion.

Want to prepare for a first round EY interview? While you can use the Profitability Framework to solve this case study, top casers blend frameworks to create a framework customized to the case at hand.

This case has no math exhibits. This is a beginner level case with a qualitative difficulty of 1 out of 4, meaning you would most likely see it in an EY first round interview

EY Interview Tips

What does Ernst & Young look for in its case interview candidates? Flexibility.

The firm is looking for talent that is able to adjust on the fly to changing circumstances, as well as work on a variety of different projects.

In this case, focus on coming away with 1 key takeaway / area to improve.

For expert, out-loud practice, book time with one of MC’s ex-MBB interview coaches.

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