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This ZS Associates case is one of 500+ of the best case studies on the web from the Case Library. Let’s dive in!


Your client has just developed an anti-depressant drug and wants to get it to the market. They do not have experience marketing drugs.

What factors would you consider when advising the client to enter the market? What options does your client have?


Your client has contracted you to advise the company on entering the market with a new product. In this ZS Associates case study, it’s your job to ask the right questions to get to the heart of the business problem and come up with a solution for your client.

Have a first round ZS interview you’re preparing for? Use the Market Study framework to help create the basic structure for solving this case, but allow yourself to deviate outside the traditional structure to form a custom framework. Interviewers praise candidates for thinking outside the box in order to solve practical business problems.

There are no math diagrams in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 2 out of 4. You could expect this case to be presented to you in a first round interview at ZS.

ZS Associates Interview Tips

ZS Associates is looking for candidates that are structured and have excellent communication skills. Can you articulate how you arrived at your solution?

When going through the question, make sure that your structure is crystal-clear and that you verbalize your process.

In this case, try to find 1 or 2 things to work on for your next case.

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