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Case Study Prompt

You are working for a bank that is facing problems with the quality of customer service. Its customers are complaining about long waits on the phone, being transferred to multiple branches, separate accounts requiring multiple calls, etc.

The customer service function is currently performed at each individual branch.

How can customer service can be improved?

Case Study Overview

This is a PwC profitability case study. Your client could lose customers if a solution isn’t found. The bank needs you to determine the root cause of the problem and identify a recommended solution for improving customer service.

This case study mimics a first-round interview with PwC. We recommend using the Profitability Framework to solve this case study but allow yourself to work outside of the framework to develop a creative solution to the problem at hand. Showcasing your business acumen is more important than forcing the problem to fit inside of a particular framework.

There are no math exhibits in this case. This a beginner level case interview with a qualitative difficulty score of 1 out of 4.

PwC Interview Tips

PwC is looking for candidates with the ability to think on their feet and home in on key issues that will help solve the specific problem.

Focus on coming away with 1 or 2 areas you can grow in for your next case.

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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