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Your client is a national beef brand.

The board wants to know if its advertising campaign has been successful.

Roland Berger Case Study Overview

This is a Roland Berger Market Entry case. Your client is a well known national beef brand who wants to ensure their advertising campaign is paying for itself and then some. Your job is to dig deep into the numbers and provide it with the pertinent information.

We recommend using the Market Study (market entry) Framework to solve this business problem, but don’t box yourself into the framework. The most sought after candidates have a working knowledge of the frameworks. Then they use their own business acumen and creativity to build a case specific structure.

There are no diagrams in this case. This an intermediate case interview you might be given in a first round Roland Berger interview. The case has a qualitative difficulty score of 2 out of 4.

Roland Berger Interview Tips

Roland Berger looks for candidates with an ability to think critically on their feet. Their cases are often more focused on technical knowledge and details and less on strategy.

In this case, convey that you are confident (and competent) in working with technical details.

In this Roland Berger case study, make it a point to find 1 or 2 key takeaways or areas you can improve.

Book an hour of out-loud practice with an ex-MBB coach.

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