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Case Study Prompt

You have been called in by a Big 4 accounting firm that is experiencing declining profitability in its auditing operation. 

What levers would you push to help improve profitability?

Case Study Overview

In this KPMG case study, your client is experiencing declining profits and is looking to you for the solution. it’s up to you to dig into profitability, determine the cause of the issue, and give them a recommended solution.

Want to prepare for a first round KPMG interview? You can use the Profitability Framework to solve this case study, however, the best case interview candidates can blend frameworks with their own wisdom and experience to create a custom framework specific to the problem.

There are no math diagrams in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 2 out of 4, which makes this an intermediate case interview you would more likely see in a KPMG first round.

KPMG Interview Tips

KPMG puts a high value on compatibility and technical knowledge in their candidates. Their interview process will focus on personality as well as ability to fit in the culture just as much as technical knowledge. 

As you prepare, remember to stay engaged. Don’t become a robot presenting information. 

In this case, focus on a couple of things:

  1. Time yourself throughout the case (2min to build structure and 2min to present it; 2min each for a brainstorming question; 2min for final recommendation)
  2. Focus on your communication and polish as you walk through the case

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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