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Case Study Prompt

Frank is 65 years old, and for his entire working career, has owned a manufacturing company which manufactures unibody car frames. He has always had one contract with one vehicle OEM, but this year that OEM has decided not to renew its contract. 

What should Frank do?

Kearney Case Study Overview

Your client is the owner of a car frame manufacturing company who is close to retirement and about to lose his most consistent client. It’s your job to help him develop a plan for growth that will fit his current situation. This non-traditional case is one of the best case studies to test your ability to study the market and make a solid plan for growth. Can you find a solution for Frank?

Preparing for a first round Kearney interview? Practice building your own custom framework to solve this unique problem.

There are no diagrams/math exhibits in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 2 out of 4, which makes this an intermediate level case you would likely see in a Kearney first round.

Kearney Interview Tips

What does Kearney look for in its case interview candidates? Those with the highest level of quant skills. They are looking for candidates with an affinity for numbers and quantitative calculations. Practice your mental math game and brush up your problem solving skills.

For this Kearney case study, make a point to come away with one takeaway or area you can improve.

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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