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Case Preview

Are you looking for case study examples with solutions? You’re in the right place! Take a look at the prompt below to get started.

Case Prompt

Our client is a cardboard manufacturer that has two plants. They make and sell cardboard boxes for packaging.

Both plants are in Benelux, owned and operated by a central HQ division, which has mostly delegated authority. Each plant is its own profit center, managing its own sales and own customers. 

Both plants have similar processes: Print – Cut – Fold – Glue. The last step is optional and is only needed for the premium customers. The plants have similar equipment.

Plant B is performing better than Plant A.

How do we increase the performance of Plant A using Plant B as a benchmark?

Kearney Case Study Overview

In this Kearny case interview, your client has come to you looking for ways to increase the performance of one of their two plants in order to maximize profitability. It’s your job in this case to delve into their operations and discover the factors contributing to the differences between the two plants as well as creating a plan for increasing Plant B’s performance.

Preparing for a first round Kearney interview? We recommend using the Profitability Framework to get started and then add your knowledge and your own business acumen to create a custom framework for this case.

There is one diagrams/math exhibit in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 2 out of 4, which makes this an intermediate level case you would likely see in a Kearney first round.

Kearney Interview Tips

What does Kearney look for in its case interview candidates? Candidates with high quant skills and the ability to problem solve on the fly.

If your mental math isn’t sharp, our math drills can help you prepare.

For this case, focus on locating one opportunity for growth for your next case. Also, time yourself as you present (2min for structure, 5min for math, 2min for brainstorming, 2min for conclusion)

For out-loud case practice with an expert coach, book a session with one of our coaches. Looking for more business case study examples? Go back to the Case Library for hundreds of them!

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