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Case Study Prompt

Central Bank plans to launch its services as CBT, a completely fintech and innovation-driven arm. It aims to operate as a pure digital banking services offering that would leverage technology tools to offer the services.

The digital bank’s primary services would include consumer retail, corporate cash management, and B2B and business-to-consumer solutions that are offered to local and multinational companies.

Central Bank is willing to invest significantly in technology to add a mass-market business line to its legacy banking services.

The plan is to offer simple, affordable, and accessible products directly or through partners/lending platform.

What are key considerations for Central Bank as it aims to stand up an entirely online independent digital banking arm?

Case Study Overview

Your client is a bank that wants to create a digital banking services offering. The firm wants your help in the start-up phase of this new venture.

When it comes time to create a framework for the case, try not to rely on basic frameworks. Use your business acumen and what you’ve learned from your case practice to formulate a custom structure!

This case has several exhibits that will need to be interpreted. It’s most like a case you could expect in a first round LEK interview.

LEK Interview Tips

What does LEK look for in its interview candidates? An ability to think strategically.

This case is a good opportunity to put your strategic thinking abilities to the test!

Focus on coming away with 1 or 2 key areas you can improve on in your next case.

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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