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Case Preview

Case Study Prompt

Your client Chemical Brothers International (CHEMBRO), a major chemical producer, has asked you to evaluate the feasibility of acquiring another major player in the industry, Plastics of America (POA).

Both companies are bulk commodity chemical producers. Your task is to analyze the future prospects of POA’s major product line, a chemical used in the production of plastics.

Should Chembro acquire POA? What strategic issues need to be addressed in evaluating an M&A proposal?

Case Study Overview

The client needs you to investigate the possible acquisition of a competitor and forecast to help them avoid potential problems. In this Bain case study, your job is to dive into the data and give your client a strong yes/no recommendation on how to move forward. In an M&A case, make sure you identify the type of buyer you’re serving before you begin – corporate or financial. They have different goals!

Are you preparing for a final round Bain interview? For this case study, we recommend that you use the M&A Framework, but always remember that the most sought after candidates can blend frameworks and their own business acumen to create an original framework that addresses the specific issues of the case.

There is one math exhibit in this case and the qualitative difficulty is 3 out of 4. This advanced case will serve you well for a Bain final round interview.

Bain Interview Tips

Bain is looking for candidates with common sense and the ability to show real world application.

When building a structure, think of yourself as a Manager and determine how you would assign out work-streams to a team of analysts you oversee.

In this case, focus on a couple of things:

  1. Time yourself and allow: (2min to build structure and 2min to present it; 2min each for a brainstorming question; 2min for final recommendation)
  2. Focus on a smooth delivery as you walk through the case
  3. Fine tune your communication skills; are you clear and concise?

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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