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Case Study Prompt

A chemical company’s profits have been falling recently. 

How would you advise the company to improve profits?

Case Study Overview

Your client is a chemical company looking for answers as to why its profits are falling. In this Deloitte case study, it’s your job to dig into the problem and find ways to help them improve profits quickly. What would be the first step you would take in this case study?

The Profitability Framework will help solve this case study, but don’t stop there. The top interview candidates have the ability to build custom frameworks using their business acumen and experience.

This case has no math diagrams. The qualitative difficulty is 1 out of 4, and is a case study you could expect to see in a Deloitte first round interview.

Deloitte Interview Pointers

What does Deloitte look for in its case interview candidates? They want to see how you build a case and if you’d fit their team dynamics. As you prepare, be ready to communicate how you arrived at the solution and don’t underestimate the importance of the fit portion of your interview!

In this case, try to find 1 area to improve upon in your communication or presentation.

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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