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Accenture Case Study Prompt

How would you estimate the size of the annual U.S. chewing gum market?

Case Study Overview

In this Accenture Market Sizing case, you’re being asked to size the market for chewing gum in the United States.

There are 2 ways to structure Market Sizing cases: a top-down or bottom-up approach. Learn more about how to break down Market Sizing questions.

How will you structure your approach to the question? The top-down method is generally the more user-friendly approach.

Follow these steps for solving Market Sizing questions:

  1. Structure your approach (5+ steps is ideal)
  2. Make assumptions
  3. Do the calculations
  4. Get to an insight

The case should take around 10 minutes in total.

Accenture Interview Tips

Accenture looks for candidates who have a structured, logical problem-solving process.

If structure is not your strong suit, our structure drills may be a useful asset for you.

In this case, focus on 2 things:

  • Timing (it should take between 8-12 minutes to complete the case)
  • 1 key takeaway/area of growth

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