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Case Study Prompt

Our client is the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA). They have received $300MM and want us to identify which of their 20 different pending technology projects should be prioritized and implemented.

Currently, they have a 30-year-old mainframe system but have written bridge/translation code to interface with some of their newer systems. However, everything is controlled by this mainframe.

How would you advise them?

Case Study Overview

Your client, the Chicago Transit Authority, has brought in your team to advise the organization on how to allocate funds totaling $300M. In this PwC case, you need to build a structure for the business problem, gather the necessary data and, ultimately, give the client a firm recommendation on how to allocate the funds.

This isn’t a cut-and-dry Profitability case, so you will need to get creative with your approach. Use the Profitability Framework, but do your best to create a custom framework that will help you most effectively answer the question being asked.

There are no math exhibits in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 2 out of 4, making this a beginner to intermediate level case interview. You would likely see this case in a PwC first round interview.

PwC Interview Tips

PwC is looking for candidates with the ability to home in on key issues that will help solve the specific problem. Make sure you are asking the questions that will bring you to the right data.

Focus on coming away with one or two key takeaways to take into your next case.

For more case interview cases, head back to the Case Library.

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