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Case Study Prompt

Our client is a large Chinese conglomerate with a lot of cash on its hands. They decided to invest this money in a plant that, by the end of this year, will have a full production capacity of 8 million aluminum wheels annually.

Management assumes that it will be able to sell 20% of its production in the domestic Chinese market.

The company hired Roland Berger to determine if it can sell the remaining 80% of its production to the US market, which is the largest vehicle market in the world. What do you think?

Case Study Overview

Your client has asked you to assess the viability of entering the US market. In this Roland Berger case study, it’s your job to gather the data, ask the right questions, and provide a recommendation for the client.

For the best case study practice, don’t limit yourself to the Market Entry Framework. Use it by all means, but allow yourself to work outside the basic frameworks to create a structure best suited for the problem you are being tasked to solve.

There are no math exhibits in this case – but that doesn’t mean you won’t have to do any math. This is beginner to intermediate case interview, which means you might find it in a first or second round at Roland Berger.

Roland Berger Interview Tips

Roland Berger looks for candidates with an ability to think critically on their feet. In addition, cases are often more focused on technical knowledge and details and less on strategy.

In this case, convey your confidence in working with the technical details of the case.

In this case, try to find 1-2 areas to improve upon. The best case study practice always results in growth and increased knowledge.

For out-loud case study practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB interview coach.

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