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Bain case study examples will help you prepare for your upcoming interview(s) – start with this advanced level M&A case!

Case Prompt

Our client is a global cinema chain with $20B in revenues. Growth options in the current business are limited. The CEO has been given the opportunity to acquire a private Australian cinema chain, which has exhibited poor growth in recent years.

The CEO has asked Bain to determine whether this could be an attractive opportunity. The other Bain work streams have calculated that the business will need to generate $2.0B per year in revenues for the next 5 years for the deal to generate a profit. The opportunity to bid for the cinema chain closes in 2 hours and you need to recommend to the client whether they should proceed with the acquisition or not.

What framework do you recommend using for this case?

Case Overview

The client is looking to grow its revenue base via acquisition. Your job as a Bain consultant is to provide a strong yes or no recommendation. In order to do that, you will need to build a framework for the problem, gather data, make assumptions, and of course, give your recommendation. Remember that in M&A cases, the two types of buyers – corporate or financial – have different goals. Pay attention!

If you are preparing for a final round Bain interview, this case is a good practice case for that, with a qualitative difficulty of 3 (out of 4). Use the M&A Framework to solve this case, but keep in mind that the most effective frameworks are not cookie-cutter, but tailored to the specific problem in the case. And as a bonus, you will definitely impress your interviewer if you get creative with your frameworks.

The case has multiple math exhibits for you to interpret.

Bain Interview Tips

Bain is looking for candidates that exhibit practicality in their work.

When approaching the case, ask if you as a Manager would feel comfortable assigning out the work-streams to a team of analysts.

In this case, focus on a couple of things:

  1. Focus on your overall polish as you walk through the case
  2. Concentrate on clear and concise communication

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