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Looking for case interview cases? You’re in the right place. The Management Consulted Case Library has hundreds of case studies. Start with this Oliver Wyman profitability case.


Is Coke spending enough on advertising? You have been retained by the CEO to find out.

What framework will you use for this case?

Case Overview

You’ve just been hired by a major corporation: the Coca-Cola Company! You’ve been hired to look into the company’s advertising strategy. The CEO wants to know if Coke is spending enough on marketing. In this Oliver Wyman case study, your job is to look into the profitability of the company and ultimately deliver a strong recommendation to the CEO.

Use the Profitability Framework to answer the question being asked in this case, but remember that the best candidates know which frameworks to pull from to create a custom structure tailored to the business situation in the case.

This case has several math exhibits to interpret. This is a mid-to-advanced level case you could expect to see in an Oliver Wyman final round interview.

Oliver Wyman Interview Tips

Oliver Wyman looks for quant proficiency and a logical problem-solving process in its interview candidates.

Our math drills may be a useful resource if you are struggling with the quant portion of the case.

In this case, focus on clear communication and overall polish. Firms expect this from final-round candidates.

Need more out-loud practice? Check out our interview coaching packages and work with an ex-MBB coach.

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