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Case Preview

This case is an example from our business case library. Tackle the prompt today!

Case Study Prompt

A Contact Lens Manufacturer seeks to quadruple its profits in 2 years and seeks our advice. 

Contact Lenses can be categorized by style and duration of use. 

Based on Style Lenses can be broadly categorized into 2 categories: Traditional and Cosmetic

Based on Duration of Use, lenses can be broadly categorized into 2 categories: Disposable and Regular. 

Our client competes primarily in the US market. Margins are more or less in line with the industry. Western Europe and Japan are big contact lens markets outside of US; the other markets are still small. Our competitors are deeply entrenched in these 2 markets and we don’t have much presence. We don’t have much detailed information on these markets.

How will you approach the problem? 

Case Study Overview

In this Bain case study, your client is looking to you to help them quadruple their growth in the next couple of years. They compete in the US market, but would like to look at expanding into Western Europe and possibly Japan. It’s your job to dive into those markets, do the research and develop a solid proposal for growth to present.

Are you preparing for a first round Bain interview? The case study from our business case library will help you prepare. We recommend using the Market Study framework and adding own unique business experience to create a framework that is specific to this problem.

There are three diagrams/math exhibits in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 4 out of 4 and is an advanced level case you would likely see in a Bain second round.

Bain Interview Tips

What does Bain look for in it’s candidates? Practicality – plain and simple.

When building out your structure, think ahead to how you, as a Manager, would assign it to a team of analysts.

In this case, work on the following things:

  • Defining 1 key area you can improve
  • Time your presentation(2min for structure, 5min for math, 2min for brainstorming, 2min for conclusion)
  • Polishing your communication skills

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach. For more Bain case studies, check out our business case library.

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