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Case Study Prompt

Our consulting firm has been retained by a major bank to help improve the profitability of their largest credit card offering. 

Their card, which is in the same class as a Visa or MasterCard, provides average returns in comparison to the industry, but our client believes it can become more profitable. 

Analyze the situation and make recommendations.

Capital One Case Study Overview

In this Capital One case study, your client has come to you to help them develop a plan for increasing their profits in a marketplace where they are only seeing average returns. It’s your job to take a look at their data and their competitors and come up with suggested solutions for them.

Are you preparing for a first round Capital One interview? For this Capital One case study, you can use the Profitability Framework, however, we recommend that you not stop there. The most sought after candidates can blend frameworks with their own experience to create a framework specific to the problem.

There are no math diagrams in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 2 out of 4, which makes this an intermediate case interview you would more likely see in a Capital One first round.

Capital One Interview Tips

Capital One looks for team compatibility and technical knowledge in their interview process. The focus will primarily be on personality and ability to fit in the culture just as much as technical knowledge.

Keep this in mind and make sure you bring your personality in the room with you.

In this case, focus on a couple of things:

  1. Time yourself throughout the case (2min to build structure and 2min to present it; 2min each for a brainstorming question; 2min for final recommendation)
  2. Find one key area to improve for next time

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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