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You have been retained jointly by Pampers and a federal commission on waste management.

They would like you to estimate the volume percentage of disposable diapers in the total US household garbage.

Estimate the volume percentage of disposable diapers in the total US household garbage.

KPMG Case Study Overview

In this KPMG Market Sizing case, you need to size the US market for disposable diapers by volume percentage. Remember, for Market Sizing cases, there are 2 ways to solve them: with a top-down or bottom-up approach. Your job is to determine which approach will be the best for the problem at hand.

Follow these 4 steps for solving the KPMG case study:

  1. Structure your approach
  2. Make assumptions
  3. Do the calculations
  4. Get to an insight

Interview Tips for KPMG

KPMG puts a high value on compatibility and technical knowledge in their candidates. Their interview process will focus on personality as well as ability to fit in the culture just as much as technical knowledge.

Don’t become a robot presenting information – and remember to stay engaged.

Seek to find 1 or 2 key areas to improve upon in this KPMG case study!

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