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Case Preview

This is 1 of more than 500 case interview cases from the Case Library! Let’s get started with the case prompt.


Our client is a start-up electric vehicle manufacturer that has built a prototype all-electric vehicle and is interested in mass-producing it for the U.S. market.

We have been hired to help them think about this opportunity. Develop some questions to delve deeper into this issue.


The client in this BCG case is a vehicle manufacturer looking to enter the US market with a new all-electric vehicle. You’ve been brought in to consult the company on how to approach the opportunity.

The Market Study Framework will be effective in helping you solve the case, but don’t limit yourself to that framework alone. The best BCG candidates blend frameworks and their business experience and understanding to create a custom framework for the case.

This case has no math diagrams. The case will help you prep for both a first or second round at BCG, with a qualitative difficulty of 2 out of 4.

BCG Interview Pointers

BCG is looking for future consultants that are both structured and able to succinctly communicate that structure.

When going through the case, make sure that your structure is crystal-clear. The focus is not as much on the actual answer, but on how you arrive at the solution.

In this case, try to come away with 1 or 2 things to work on in-between now and your next case.

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