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You are a successful entrepreneur who started a coffee business several years ago (before coffee became so “hip”). You sell your gourmet coffee to New England grocery stores, where customers can buy the beans whole or ground them in a machine situated in the same aisle. Your coffee is extremely popular and the brand is well known, but the market is pretty saturated and growth is slowing.

In order to continue your growth, you are considering expanding your grocery store sales into other regions of the country. Another option you are considering is to open coffeehouses under your brand name in New England.

Which option is likely to be more profitable? How would you structure your thought?

PwC Case Interview: Overview

In this case, you are in the shoes of an entrepreneur in the coffee business. Business growth is slowing due to market saturation, and you need to identify new avenues for growth. In the case, your job is to determine which of 2 options for growth will be most profitable.

While you can use the Market Study Framework to solve this PwC case interview, the highest performing cases blend frameworks and their own business understanding to create a custom structure.

With a qualitative difficulty score of 1/4, this case will set you up to do well in a first round interview at PwC. The case contains no math exhibits.

PwC Case Interview: Tips

PwC is looking for candidates that excel at homing in on key issues to solve business problems.

In this PwC case interview, try to identify 1 key area of growth.

If you need out-loud practice for your PwC interview, book an hour with one of our case coaches now.

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