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Case Preview

Start your case study practice now with this Strategy& case study.

Case Prompt

A large health care company in Latin America has decided it is interested in substantially increasing the size of its operations.

Its goal is to double total sales and profits in less than two years.

How would you think about this problem? What are some likely alternatives for the company?

Case Overview

This case involves a LATAM healthcare company that wants aggressive growth in its operations. It wants to double total sales in under 2 years – what strategy do you recommend the company takes in order to reach this goal?

Incorporate the Market Study Framework into your structure for this Strategy& case, but don’t rely on that framework alone. The best case interview candidates create custom frameworks that are tailored to the specific business situation in each case interview.

This case is one you could expect to see in a second round at Strategy&. This case doesn’t have any math charts or graphs to interpret.

Interview Tips: Strategy&

What does Strategy& look for in its case interview candidates? A high value for creativity when it comes to problem solving.

Stretch yourself to work outside the basic case frameworks by incorporating bits and pieces of the basic frameworks that will help you best solve the problem in the case.

For high-quality case study practice, time yourself as you walk through the case (2min to build structure and 2min to present it; 2min each for a brainstorming question; 2min for final recommendation).

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