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Looking for business case examples for interviews? This BCG case is a great business case example. Start the case now!

Case Prompt

Corn farmers in countries with high GDP typically purchase and plant hybrid corn, which is bred for specific characteristics, such as insect resistance. Another important characteristic is yield – how many bushels per acre can be grown from the seed.

Our client has developed a new hybrid with higher yield and would like to know how to price it.

Case Overview

In this case study, the client is a corn farmer that has developed a new hybrid seed. He has asked you to develop a pricing strategy. Your job is to study the market, analyze the competitive landscape, and provide the client a recommendation on how to price the new product.

We recommend that you apply the Market Study Framework to help you create the structure for solving this case. Keep in mind that the best case interview candidates blend frameworks and their own business acumen to create a blended framework tailored to the case.

The case has a qualitative difficulty score of 2/4. Prepping for a first round BCG interview? This is a great practice case for that. The case has no math exhibits.

BCG Interview Tips

BCG is looking for structured candidates that have excellent communication abilities.

In this case, emphasize your structuring and out-loud communication of your process throughout the case. Remember that BCG isn’t focused on you getting to the “correct” answer, but on how you got to the answer.

Make the most of this case by identifying 1 area of growth that you can focus on in your case prep.

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