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Case Prompt

The client is a waste management company in Italy. They have 3 divisions:

  • Recycling
  • Laboratory
  • Incinerator

The head of the Incinerator division has asked the headquarters for funds to build an additional incinerator.

  • Each incinerator acts as a monopolist in the area where it is located (there is no competition at the local level since there is only one incinerator every X squared miles).
  • The ROI on an optimized plant is expected to be 12%
  • The utilized capacity of the current incinerator is 80% and it take 2 years to build a plant.

The Headquarters has asked our help to determine whether they should make the investment.

Consulting Case Studies Overview

In this case, your client is a waste management company in Italy. The company is considering a major investment into a new plant, and you’ve been brought on to advise on the decision. Should the client make the investment or not?

The Profitability Framework is a good place to get started on a structure for the case, but don’t rely solely on the basic frameworks. The best casers combine frameworks and their own business acuity to build a custom framework for the case.

The case has no math exhibits. With a quality difficulty score of 2/4, this case is good practice for a first round interview.

Booz Allen Hamilton Interview Tips

What does Booz Allen Hamilton look for? Refined interpersonal and presentation skills.

Focus on your communication in this case – are you clear and structured?

For enhanced case practice, identify one area for improvement that you can focus on in your case prep.

Book a session with an coach for expert help in your interview preparation.

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