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Looking for a case with case interview math? This BCG case will provide that – dig in to the prompt now!

BCG Case Prompt

Insure Me! is a Global Financial Services company in the insurance business.

Recently, the CEO of the company was fired and took with him all 10 employees of the company’s private funding division, which was his pet project. 

Now no one knows what’s going on in that division, and there is no reporting system to rely on (the CEO took all of the data with him). 

You have been hired to direct. How you would go about managing this division?


In this BCG case, your client is a financial services company experiencing serious challenges in one of it’s divisions. You have been brought in to stop the bleeding and get the division back on track. It’s your job to get to know your client and their situation in detail so you can manage and lead the division back to a stable place.

Incorporate the Profitability Framework into your structure for approaching the case, but don’t box yourself into that framework alone! Use what you know of the basic frameworks to create a new framework that is custom-built for the problem in this case.

If you’re looking for experience with case interview math, this case will get you there. This case has a qualitative difficulty of 3 out of 4 making it one you would see on a second round interview at BCG.

Interview Tips: BCG

What does BCG look for in its future hires? In a word… Structure.

They want to see that you can not only create a clear structure but you can articulate that structure very well as you present.

Make that a key focus in this case. Also, pay attention to your timing (2min for structure, 5min for math, 2min for brainstorming, 2min for conclusion), and find one key takeaway you can improve for next time.

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