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Accenture Case Study Prompt

Your client is a large electric utility. Consolidation has been widespread in the utilities industry and your client wants to know if they should be jumping on board this trend.

  • The industry has been deregulating.
  • Individual states have control over exactly how and when the utilities located in their states will be de-regulated. Some states are proceeding more quickly than others are.
  • It is quite probable that soon individual customers will have a choice as to their power suppliers. Many large industrial customers already do.

What advice would you give them?

Case Study Overview

In this Accenture case study, the client is a large electric utility that is considering consolidation. Your job is to assist the company with the decision given the data available to you.

You can use the Profitability Framework to help find a solution to the case, but don’t box yourself into the framework. The most impressive case interview candidates use their business understanding and structuring experience to blend frameworks in order to create a custom structure for the case.

This case is like a case you would be given in a first round Accenture case interview with a qualitative difficulty score of 2/4. There are no math diagrams.

Interview Tips: Accenture 

Accenture is looking for candidates that are structured in their approaches to business problems, but aren’t afraid to use a splash of creativity.

Make sure you are structured in your approach to the case, and don’t worry as much about getting to the right answer as how you get to the answer.

To get the most out of this Accenture case study, find 1 or 2 key takeaways or areas of growth.

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