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Case Study Prompt

Why is there no light beer in the UK?

Case Study Overview

The prompt in this LEK case study with answers is simple. You’re being asked to examine why there is no light beer in the UK. Your job is to gather any data needed to give an informed answer.

The Profitability Framework is a good place to start with your structure for the case, but go beyond the basic framework to create the structure best suited to the business scenario in the case.

This is a beginner-level case that you would find in a first round at LEK – it has a qualitative difficult score of 1 (out of 4). There are no math exhibits in the case.

This is a case study with answers – find the answers toward the end of the case!

LEK Interview Tips

What does LEK look for in its interview candidates? An ability to think strategically.

This case is a good opportunity to put your strategic thinking abilities to the test!

To get the most out of the LEK case study, identify 1 key takeaway or area of improvement.

Need a leg up in your interview prep? Book a session with one of MC’s coaches today!

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