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Case Interview Prompt

Bank X is located in New York City and plans to open a branch.

How would you determine whether a location in New York City holds enough banking demand to warrant opening a branch?

Case Study Overview

There are many different case types when it comes to consulting case study examples. This is a market study case. Make sure to read the prompt carefully to make sure you understand the problem you are being asked to solve.

We recommend using the Market Study Framework to help create a structure for the business problem in the case. However, don’t restrict yourself to the basic frameworks alone. Incorporate your knowledge of the frameworks to build a structure tailored to the specific requirements of the case.

This case has no math exhibits. The qualitative difficulty of the case is 2 out of 4, making it most similar to a case you can expect in a first round interview at Capital One.

Capital One Interview Pointers

What does Capital One look for?

A high degree of comfort with numbers/quantitative analysis, and familiarity with the financial services industry.

In this Capital One case study, focus on coming away with 1 area of growth you can work on going forward.

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