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Looking for case study topics to get you prepped for your next interview? Try this prompt and test your M&A knowledge.


A major chemical producer has hired our consulting firm to evaluate another large player in the chemicals industry as a possible merger candidate.  Both our client and the other company are bulk commodity chemical producers.  

Our consulting firm’s main job is to analyze the future prospects of the target company’s main product line: a bulk chemical that is used in the production of plastics.

  • Production of this chemical has been declining slowly for several years.
  • Prices have declined rapidly.

Our consulting firm has to analyze the target company’s future prospects in the product line. As manager of this case assignment, what information do you need to know and how would you structure the analysis to determine if this merger is a good idea?

Case Study Overview

Your client, a major chemical producer, has hired you to help them assess the future of a target company they are considering acquiring. Your job is to dig deep into the prompt and get to know their target so you can make a well-informed recommendation for them. How would you start and who would you call first?

M&A Corporate Buyer cases are one of the many case study topics you should be well versed in as you prepare for your next interview. In this case study, we suggest using the M&A Framework to help structure your approach to the problem and also incorporate your own business acumen to develop a solution that will work for this specific case. Corporate and financial buyers have different goals so make sure you keep that in mind as you prepare.

This case study has no math exhibits. With a qualitative difficulty level of 2 (out of 4), this case study will set you up for success in your first round at Booz Hamilton.

Booz Allen Hamilton Interview Tips

BAH looks for strong interpersonal skills and a highly polished presentation and strong interpersonal skills in their candidates.

BAH focuses more on personality and communication skills, so make sure you bring your A-game in those areas.

Make sure you focus on the following areas as you walk through the case:

  • Find 1 or 2 takeaways that you can improve on in your next case.
  • Time yourself as you go through the case: 4min for creating and presenting your structure, 2min for brainstorming, and 2min for a recommendation.

Again, there are different types of case study topics. We recommend trying multiple case interview practice cases as you prepare for your interviews (market study, M&A, profitability, etc.)

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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