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Case Study Intro

You are sitting in Miami on vacation. Florida has taken a “don’t worry, be happy” approach to COVID, and while there, you’ve enjoyed a few different unique restaurants – Cuban-American fusion, chill Latin, and a fantastic Asian sushi place. It’s been great to eat out with a sense of normalcy.

Now, you’re looking to mix it up. The weather is post-thunderstorm mild – a perfect all evening. You decide to mix it up by adding a new dimension to your dining repertoire and head over to one of Florida’s finest establishments – Margaritaville. Amid the neon lights, you have an epiphany – what if you pitched the chain of Margaritaville restaurants as an acquisition to a friend who works for a mid-market private equity company?

The restaurant sells 3 things: food, merchandise, and of course, margaritas and other alcoholic beverages. There are 22 Margaritavilles in the Southeastern U.S. currently.

What would make this an interesting acquisition for a PE firm?

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