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IBM Case Study Interview Intro

A bank based in a developing country in Southeast Asia has hired us to determine how it can grow in the local market, specifically in retail banking. 

What are the factors you would look at to assess the situation? What is your recommendation for our client?

Case Study Overview

In this IBM case study interview, you have been hired to help your client create a plan for growth in the local retail banking market. It’s up to you to get to know the market, research and analyze the pertinent data and develop a well structured recommendation for your client.

The Market Study Framework will be helpful for this case. We recommend using it as a jumping off place, though. Take the framework and fill in your structure with other basic frameworks and your own business experience to come up with a solution for this specific case.

This IBM case has a qualitative difficulty of 2 out of 4 and will help you prepare for a first round interview. This case has 2 math diagrams.

IBM Interview Tips

What does IBM GBS look for in its candidates? The ability to create high-level structures and provide pertinent insight.

In this IBM case study interview, make sure you focus on those two aspects as you prepare.

In addition, find one or two areas you can improve for next time. Pay attention to timing as you practice – provide 2min for structure, 5min for math, 2min for brainstorming, 2min for conclusion.

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