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Case Study Prompt

Your client is a medical glove manufacturer that sells directly to hospitals in two segments. The first segment is “exam gloves”, which are single gloves that come in Kleenex boxes. They are disposable and made of latex. The second segment is surgeon gloves, which are used in operating rooms. They come in pairs and they must be of high quality and sterile. The client has come to you because its profit and revenue growth has been slower than that of the competition.

The client is growing at 2%.

They want to know how they can fix this and, in general, how they can improve shareholder value.

How should the client approach this problem?

Bain Case Study Overview

You have been called in to help your client, a medical glove manufacturer, determine why their revenue growth is slower than their competitors and how to fix this problem. For this Bain case study, your taks is to dive deep into the operations of your client, get to know their numbers and come back to the table with solid recommendations for how to improve profitability.

Preparing for a second round Bain interview? This Bain cast study will help you! You can use the Profitability Framework to work this case, but we strongly recommend taking it a step further. The most sought after candidates show the ability to take the framework, integrate it with their own experience and create a solution specific to the case.

There are no math exhibits in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 2 out of 4, making this case interview you would likely run into in a second round at Bain.

Bain Interview Tips

What does Bain look for in its candidates? Someone who knows how to apply their solutions in the real world.

As you build your structure, think about the work packages you would assign to a team of analysts you oversee to solve this case.

To get the most from this case:

  • Come away with 1 key takeaway or area you can improve
  • Smooth out your overall communication and presentation skills

For out-loud practice with an expert, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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