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Looking for a case study with answers to help you get ready for your next interview? Check out this Strategy& case study to get ready today.

Case Study Prompt

Objective: Profits (Side Objective: Capture potential new market share)

Case Study Overview

In this case study, Mercedes Benz has brought you in to help them determine if they should take the step into a new market in Malaysia. It’s your job to delve into the market to determine feasibility and profitability and give your client a well-researched, strategic recommendation.

The Market Study Framework is a good starting place for your structure for this case study with answers. Don’t stop there, though. Take your own experience and business acumen to come up with a solution specific to this problem. The most sought after candidates are flexible and creative.

The case contains no math exhibits. With a qualitative difficulty score of 2/4, this case study with answers will help you prep for a first round interview.

Strategy& Interview Tips

Strategy& looks for creative problem solving and a knack for innovation in their candidates. Make sure you are thinking outside the box when creating your structure and bring a fresh perspective.

As you work through the case, identify one or two areas to grow in for the future and time yourself (allow 2min for structure, 5min for math, 2min for brainstorming, 2min for conclusion)

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