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This LEK case study is one of many excellent business case study examples from the case library. Get started with the case study prompt below.

Case Study Prompt

Your client has just developed a new product: the Mobile Watch. They’ve asked you to develop a market entry strategy, as it’s a completely new product.

Case Study Overview

The prompt is short and sweet. Your client has asked you to develop a market entry strategy for a new product (a watch). How will you approach this situation?

The Market Study Framework will prove useful as you start to lay out your structure for the case. Take enough time in this portion of the case to build a solid, MECE structure, because that will determine how effective you are in solving the case.

This LEK case study is one of our many business case examples that will help you get ready for a first round case interview – the case has a qualitative difficulty of 2/4. No math exhibits are involved in this one.

Interview Tips: LEK

What does LEK look for in its case interview candidates? Top-notch strategic thinking.

Devote some extra attention to the strategy part of this case, especially considering that you are developing a market entry strategy. It’s your time to shine!

Maximize your case practice by giving yourself a grade for each part of the case. Follow that up by identifying 1 or 2 weak areas that need improvement (i.e. brainstorming or mental math).

If you are having trouble with the case, consider booking an hour of out-loud practice with an ex-MBB interview coach.

If you want more business case study examples, click on back to the Case Library.

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