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Case Preview

Looking for consulting case studies to help you prepare for your next LEK interview? Get started with the case study prompt below.

Case Study Prompt

You are an entrepreneur on an island of 50 million people. You feel that there is an opportunity to invest in petrol retailing and plan to open a new petrol station (there are already 1,000 petrol stations on the island).

However, you do not have any meaningful capital and are going to need to raise the investment required so you visit your local banker.

She asks you to estimate what capital you are likely to need in the business.

Build a structure to explain how you would come up with the estimation required.

Case Study Overview

This case study asks you to put yourself in the shoes of an entrepreneur considering jumping into petrol market for the first time. You’ve been asked to gather the necessary data about the capital needed for this venture. It’s your job to dive into the market and do your research so you can get the capital needed from the bank.

The Market Study Framework will prove useful as you start to lay out your structure for the case. Don’t stop there, though. Take the framework and use it to build something original for this unique case.

This LEK case study is one of our many consulting case studies that will help you prep for a first round case interview – the case has a qualitative difficulty of 2/4. There are 4 math questions involved in this one.

Interview Tips: LEK

What does LEK look for in its case interview candidates? Top-notch strategic thinking.

Take some extra time to work on the strategy for this case – especially since you are working on a Market Entry case. This is your chance to show them you have what it takes!

Prep for this case by:

  • Focus on your timing – (2min for structure, 5min for math, 2min for brainstorming, 2min for conclusion)
  • Come away with 1 to 2 key takeaways to improve next time
  • Hone your communication, polish and presentation

If you are having trouble with the case, consider booking an hour of out-loud practice with an ex-MBB interview coach.

If you want more consulting case studies, click on back to the Case Library.

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