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Dive into this Bain case from the Case Library – the repository of the internet’s best case studies.

Case Prompt

You have just been hired by a private equity company to put together an analysis known as a vendor due diligence in preparation for a planned sale of one of their portfolio companies, OilGas Co. The purpose of your assignment is to assess the attractiveness of OilGas Co for potential buyers.

OilGas Co provides vendor inspection services primarily in the Oil and Gas Industry. In this capacity, the company inspects capital equipment on behalf of the company running the project (usually oil majors or independents, oil and gas engineering companies) at the point of manufacture to ensure that it meets the project requirements, prior to its being shipped to the final destination.

Case Overview

The best case studies are the ones that stretch you in one way or another, which this case will certainly do. Your client in the case is a PE firm that has asked you to analyze one of the firm’s portfolio companies for attractiveness to potential buyers.

Use the M&A Framework to help you create a structure for the case, but don’t stop there. The best casers are able to blend frameworks and their own business experience to create a custom structure best fitted for the task at hand.

Preparing for a final round case interview? This case study will help with that. Note that there are several math exhibits that you’ll need to analyze and interpret in order to successfully complete the case.

Bain Interview Tips

Bain prizes practicality in its future consultants. When working through Bain case studies, imagine yourself as an analyst working on a client engagement. Make sure your structure would translate to a real-world business environment.

Make the most of your effort in this case by paying attention to the following:

  1. Time yourself throughout the case (2min to build structure and 2min to present it; 2min each for a brainstorming question; 2min for final recommendation)
  2. Focus on your executive presence / confidence as you present – including clear communication

Looking for an expert coach to guide you through the case interview process? Schedule time with an ex-MBB interview coach today.

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