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Case Preview

Case Prompt

A small life science technology startup, One For The Road, Inc., (ORI), has invested a huge amount of money in R&D and was recently granted a patent for a new breakthrough product.

The client wants to know what approach it should take to commercialize the product.

What are some questions you could ask before proceeding?

Case Overview

This sample case interview involves a client in the life sciences industry. The company has recently received a patent for an important new product and wants to know how to take it to market. Your job is to help develop a strategy to commercialize the product.

Build a structure that will be most effective in helping you solve the sample case interview. You can start with the Market Study Framework, but don’t restrict yourself to the basic frameworks. Get creative!

This sample case interview is one of many from the Case Library that will help you prep for a final round case interview. The case has no math exhibits.

IQVIA Interview Tips

Want to impress in your IQVIA interview? Learn what the firm values, and then seek to deliver on that in your interview.

IQVIA is looking for candidates with the ability to generate high-level insights from data. Make sure you gather only the data/information necessary to inform your recommendation in the sample case interview.

Take your case study game to the next level by timing yourself in this case. Recommended timing is 2 minutes to build your structure and 2 minutes to present it; 2 minutes each for a brainstorming question; 2 minutes for a final recommendation. You will likely get dinged in your interview if you go too much over (or under).

For out-loud case practice, consider booking an hour with an expert case coach.

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