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This case is one of many case interview cases in the Case Library – can you solve it?

Case Study Prompt

Our client is a leading high-end fashion retailer in Asia. OC&C have been approached to help them think about their online strategy in Asia Pacific, with particular focus on business opportunities in China.

Your specific task on this case is to scale the opportunity, i.e. estimate the current market size of online luxury fashion in China and determine how many potential buyers currently exist in the market.

How would you estimate the market for online high-end fashion?

Case Study Overview

Ready to start the case? You are being asked to determine the market for high end fashion in Asia Pacific. The client is a leading online fashion retailer in Asia.

After understanding the case question, you will need to create a structure for approaching the case. You can incorporate the Market Study Framework into your structure, but don’t rely only on the basic frameworks. The structure part of the case is a great opportunity to showcase your creativity and business acuity, so build the structure that will allow you to most effectively solve the case.

This OC&C case study is a good first-round practice case. The qualitative difficulty of the case is 2/4. There is 1 math exhibit in the case that you’ll need to analyze.

OC&C Interview Tips

Want to impress in your OC&C interview? Understand what the firm values, and showcase that in your interview when possible.

OC&C looks for logic-driven candidates with good business sense. Keep your process simple as you go through the case.

Want to take your case practice to the next level? Do a self-audit after you finish the case and identify 1 or 2 areas where you were weakest. Make those areas points of emphasis going forward.

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