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Case Preview

This case study is one of many Market Study consulting cases from the Case Library – let’s get started.

Case Study Prompt

Your client is an overseas construction firm, currently based in Europe. The CEO wants to expand the company by establishing a presence in the growing U.S. market for construction.

How should our client go about entering the U.S. market? What factors are critical for its success?

Case Study Overview

This Strategy& case study involves an overseas construction firm that is looking at entering the US construction market. You’ve been hired to study the market for any potential risks, and to create a market entry strategy for the client.

Ready to tackle the case? It’s time to create your structure. Utilize the Market Study Framework as you are laying out your structure – but don’t box yourself into that framework by itself. The most effective case interview candidates showcase their creativity and structuring abilities through building a custom framework for the problem in the case.

The qualitative difficulty score for the case is 1/4. The case is one of many consulting cases in our repository that will help you prep for your first round interview. You will be asked to analyze a few math diagrams as well.

Strategy& Interview Tips

Crush your Strategy& case interview by incorporating a splash of creativity into your problem solving process.

Don’t be afraid to move beyond the traditional methods for solving case interviews.

As you work through this consulting case (preferably out loud), pay attention to the specific areas you struggle with. Then, use our math, exhibit, or structure drills to further focus your practice.

Need some quality out-loud case practice with a partner? Book a session with an MC interview coach today.

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