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Are you looking for consulting case studies to help you get ready for your next interview? Check out this prompt and get started now!

Case Study Prompt

Fluoxetine hydrochloride – commonly known as Prozac – is the world’s most widely prescribed antidepressant, with sales that totaled $2.8 billion in 1998. Produced by Eli Lilly & Company, Prozac has already been in the market for several years, presenting very impressive growth rates (only between 1997 and 1998, the product accounted for 20% of the company’s growth). Prozac is a prescription-only, very high margin product, one that represents approximately 40% of Eli Lilly’s earnings.

However, in the last years, Prozac has been facing stagnant and even declining sales in some periods. Eli Lilly’s management team is not quite sure why this has happened to one of their most important brands. It is now your job to try to figure out why Prozac’s sales are flat/declining.

In order to help you do that, the extremely busy Eli Lilly CEO, Sidney Taurel, will meet you in a VIP lounge at Indianapolis International Airport, between his arrival and his next connection. He will only have 15 minutes, in which time you will be allowed to ask no more than 5 questions. Right after that, you’ll have to call your manager at A. T. Kearney’s Chicago office and give him your assessment of the situation and a set of potential solutions, so the team can start to work in order to meet the very tight deadline imposed by the client.

What might be causing Prozac’s stagnant sales and which are the possible solutions?

Case Study Overview

In this Kearney case study, you are under an intense deadline to help your client come up with possible answers as to why their sales are declining. You will have limited time to assess the situation and develop solutions so you have to come with your A-game!

Getting ready for a second round Kearney interview? This is one of many consulting case studies that can help! We recommend blending frameworks (including the Profitability Framework) to build your own custom solution to this complicated case.

There is one diagram/math exhibit in this case. The qualitative difficulty is 3 out of 4, which makes this an advanced case you would likely see on a second round.

Kearney Interview Tips

What does Kearney look for in its case interview candidates? A high degree of comfort with numbers and an ability to problem-solve like a boss.

Make sure your mental math is sharp, and you are comfortable with problem-solving.

For this case, focus on timing (2min for structure, 5min for math, 2min for brainstorming, 2min for conclusion), and refining your polish and communication.

For out-loud practice with an expert on more consulting case studies, book an hour with an ex-MBB coach.

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