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Case Preview

Case Prompt

You are sitting in one of Chicago’s oldest scotch bars with a fellow intern. It is a Friday night after a busy week at your summer internship. The weather is mild—a perfect summer evening.

The bar sells two things, liquor and cigars. The maximum capacity is 100 people. The bar is located on one of Chicago’s busier streets for foot traffic.

While enjoying one of the bar’s finest stogies and sipping an 18-year old McCallen single malt, your friend asks you how much you think the bar is worth.

How would you go about determining the value of this bar?

McKinsey Case Study Overview

In this McKinsey case study, your job is to provide a valuation estimate of a bar in Chicago. It’s an informal back-of-the-napkin style case.

Want to prepare for a first round McKinsey interview? You can use the M&A Framework to build your structure for the case, but don’t limit yourself to the case. The best casers blend frameworks and their own business understanding to create a custom structure for the case.

There are several math exhibits you’ll need to analyze and interpret in the McKinsey case study. The qualitative difficulty is 2/4, making this a beginner case you would more likely see in an McKinsey 1st-round.

McKinsey Interview Tips

McKinsey has a high value for structure. Impress in your interview by maintaining structure from start-to-finish in the case.

In addition, find 1-2 areas where you struggled in the case and make those a focus in your practice going forward.

IF you need focused case interview preparation help, book an hour with an expert coach today.

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