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Case Study Examples Prompt

Your client is a Large Scottish Retail Bank, which has been operating in a stable market for several years, with low competition. The bank has been experiencing declining profitability over the past few years.

Your client has a very similar product set to their competition. The market regulation prevents mergers and takeovers. The client does not have much money for investment in new developments/initiatives. Funding for future development is limited.

Your client is understandably very interested in reversing this decline in profitability. How could they go about doing this?

Case Overview

McKinsey case study examples will help you prep for your McKinsey case interviews. This particular case involves a Scottish retail bank that is experiencing a decline in profitability. The bank has limited options for growth. How would you go about reversing the decline, and bringing the company back to profitability?

You may use the Profitability Framework to help build out your structure for the case, but beware of isolating your structure to a single case framework. Firms want to see you create a custom framework fitted specifically to the business situation in the case study.

Prepping for a final round at McKinsey? Case study examples like this one will help you prepare for the interview. The case will have no math exhibits.

How to Crush a McKinsey Interview

Crush your McKinsey interview by becoming a framework expert.

You must be familiar with every framework, know how to blend them, and know how to use them to build creative, custom structures in your case interviews.

In addition, focus on your timing in this case. Push yourself to hit the recommended time per section (2min for structure, 5min for math, 2min for brainstorming, 2min for conclusion).

Looking for expert prep help for your case interviews? You can schedule a session with an ex-MBB coach today.

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