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Case Preview

The Case Library catalog has hundreds of quality case studies to choose from – and this Bain case is no different. Ready to dive in?

Case Study Prompt

Your client is looking at investing a significant amount of money to create an online auction company that facilitates sheep sales from producers to large customers.

They will only do this if they could make roughly $10 M annual profit in 5 years, and they have enlisted your help in determining the go/no-go decision.

Also, here’s some additional information:

  • All large processors (buyers) use computers
  • Sales via auction and contract will not migrate- there is no steal share between channels

How would you structure your approach to this problem?

Case Study Overview

This case from the case library catalog involves a company that wants to create an online auction company. The company wants to make $10M profit per annum by year 5. Is the idea viable/profitable?

Apply the Market Study Framework to help solve the case, but don’t stop there. Use your frameworks experience and your business acumen to create a custom, data-driven framework that will help you solve the case.

The case has a qualitative difficulty score of 2/4. The case is like what you would expect to see in a first round at Bain. There are several math exhibits you’ll need to derive insights from.

Bain Interview Tips

Want to crack your Bain case interview? The firm values practicality in its consultants.

Show that your approach in the case translates to real-world business environment.

Make the most out of your practice time: do a self-audit of your areas of growth. Make those areas a point of emphasis in future practice.

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