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Case Preview

Case Prompt

Your client is a manufacturer of large steel shipping containers that are designed to hold up to several tons of material for shipping on ocean liners. The container consists of a steel frame, a steel shell and an insulation and waterproofing material that uses a hazardous chemical. The containers are leased by the company to worldwide shipping companies. Shippers can lease the containers one-way or round-trip.

The client has asked you to do an assessment of their strategy. What issues might you examine?

Case Overview

In this McKinsey case study, the client has asked you to analyze its business strategy. How will approach the situation?

As you build your structure, you can incorporate the Market Study Framework, but don’t box yourself into any single framework. Use your knowledge of the frameworks to blend them and create a custom structure that will best help you solve the problem.

The McKinsey case study will help you prep for a first round at McKinsey. There are no math exhibits in the case.

McKinsey Interview Tips

McKinsey places a high value on structure. In order to succeed in your case interview, you must demonstrate that you know how to apply and blend frameworks like a consultant.

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