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Case Preview

Consulting case study examples help you practice for your case interviews. Start with this McKinsey case study.

Case Study Prompt

Your client is Slick Hick, a large agricultural equipment manufacturer. Its primary product line, farming tractors, is losing money.

What questions would you ask of your client to help them solve their profitability problem?

Overview of the Case

Your job in this McKinsey case study is to help an ag equipment manufacturer resolve a declining profitability issue with its primary product line. How will you prepare a structure for the problem?

You can apply the Profitability Framework to help solve the case. Get creative and import your own business experience into your process of building the framework.

This is one of many consulting case study examples from the Case Library that will help you prep for a first round case interview. There are no math diagrams to be interpreted in the case.

McKinsey Interview Pointers

What does McKinsey look for in its candidates? The ability to problem-solve and clearly communicate your thought process.

As you go through the case, make sure you verbalize your structure and recommendation clearly!

Make the most out of your case prep by finding 1 or 2 opportunities for growth inside the case.

For further guidance in your case prep, consider booking an hour with an expert interview coach. For more consulting case study examples, head back to the Case Library.

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